Leading MBR into
an energy efficient future

We asked ourselves:

“How can the advantages of membrane bioreactors (MBR) be achieved in an economically attractive way?”

As is so often the case, nature provides the best strategies.

You just have to look very closely.

learn more here:       

a quantum leap

Resulting in up to 90% energy savings,

less pre-treatment and much more…

Additionally the Membion technology makes MBR

the first choice economically.

Our strategies:

Like real seaweed

If minimal pre-treatment is required, nature provides the best example. Membranes fixed only at their bottom side simply remain efficient much longer than other solutions.

Like a geyser

… bringing air and energy in precisely leads to more impact with less cost.

The perfect flow

The flow behaviour is vital for the efficiency of a system. We have radically reduced the space required for this. This means: more filter performance in the same space, with less energy requirement.


Our modules fit perfectly into existing systems and a wide variety of environments – for an easy upgrade into a sustainable future.

Ready for more?

For those who would like more details of exactly how the Membion technology works and the economic advantages for your company…